History of Education Electronic Timeline

  • Founding of the American Federation of Teachers

    Founded by John Dewey and Margaret Haley in Chicago, AFT is the second-largest teacher labor union in America.
  • Pierce V. Society of Sisters

    Upheld parent right to make educational decisions for their children. Kids are not required to attend public school.
  • The Scopes Trial

    Science teacher sued for teaching evolution in class.
  • The Scholastic Assessment Test

    College Board offers the first version of the SAT.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Declared separate education facilities unequal and racial segregation unconstitutional.
  • National Defense Education Act

    Funding of STEM programs in response to the Soviet Union and The Cold War.
  • Engel V. Vitale

    Declares state-sponsored prayer in public schools unconstitutional.
  • Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Founded

    Ensures equal treatment and proper support for children with learning disabilities in public schools.
  • Elementary & Secondary Education Act and Higher Education Act

    ESEA was created to assist low-income students and fight racial discrimination in schools. The Higher Education Act funds federal aid and other financial aid to encourage students to pursue college education. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed both acts into law during his War on Poverty.
  • San Antonio Independent School District V. Rodriguez

    Property tax funds public schools.
  • The Nations First Digital University

    The University of Phoenix was the first online collegiate institution offering bachelor's and master's degrees.
  • Improving America's Schools Act

    Reauthorized ESEA of 1965. Helped disadvantaged students and held schools accountable for student achievement.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    Signed by President George W. Bush. NCLB enhanced the federal government's role in education—required schools to measure success in terms of academic achievement.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    President Barack Obama passed the act. ESSA modified the provisions made in NCLB. States set academic standards and assessments—measure success through assessments mandated by states.
  • Covid-19 Declared Global Pandemic

    Schools shut down. Students go online.
  • Students for Fair Admissions V. Harvard & University of North Carolina

    Supreme Court Decision declared race-based college admissions unconstitutional.