The History of Education

  • 17th Century

    Puritans stressed that everyone learned how to read the bible
  • 40 academies established

    among those 40 academies established two were for white females. The were Mordecai Seminary and Salem Female Academy
  • Archibald Murphy General Assembly report

    Archibald Murphy General Assembly report
    In this report he outline how he would make North Carolina better and this started with education of its people
  • Literacy fund established

    This was established by the General Assembly to subsidize schools.
  • First Common School law enacted

    First Common School law enacted
    combining the state and local funds for school support
  • office of Superintendent for Common Schools

    appointed Calvin H Wiley, he was dedicated to improving North Carolina schools.
  • recogniton of achievement

    North Carolina was recognized for being one of the best schools before the Civil War started.
  • Office of Superintendent in Common Schools

    The Office was abolished do to funds being depleted by the Civil War.
  • State Constitution

    The state Constitution outlines an article on public education, that the state should provide education through taxation of the citizens. Making tuition free of charge for all children ages 6 to 21 living in that particular state.