Period: to
History of Colorado Education
first elected board of Education
O.J. Goldrick
O.J. Goldrick establishes the first Sunday school in Colorado. -
First public school
13 students in a log cabin. The students were picked up in O.J. Goldrick's Wagon. -
Two types of schools
Union: only a part of the elementary schools wanted high schools
County: all high schools are required to form a high school -
Emily Griffith
Emily believed in the right to equal schooling. She was inflential in her Deputy State Superintendent position. -
Ku Klux Klan
The segrigation of the KKK and its influence over almost the entire country had a huge play on education and seperation of the races. -
Founded Colorado Board Of Education
keyes VS DPS
Adressing the segrigation of children, expectations being different for different races. -
Charter School
The first Charter School was founded in Castle rock. -
Segrigated still?
In a study of segrigation in 2013 the highest and lowest scored schools for education in Colorado were compared racially. The highest was a majority white and the lowest score was a majority other races... saying something? -
The different Races