History Of Education

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    The most common type of education for upper class children in colonial days were reading, writing, math.
  • Period: to

    History of Education

  • The impact of Horace Mann- MOST IMPORTANT

    The impact of Horace Mann- MOST IMPORTANT
    Horace Mann was know as the Father of the Common School Movement. That was the movement that was focused on creating a more equal school system. Somethings he focused on was that school should be free and taught by a well trained-professional teacher.Link: https://horacemannaira.weebly.com/legacy.html
  • Northwest Land Ordinance, 1785

    This was the selling and setting of the land to make more states in our nation. This was implemented in part of the Land ordinance act of 1784.
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, & Webster

    All three of these men had all different ideas, however they all agreed that our school systems needed to change.
  • The Commit of Ten

    A group of educators had the idea for high school curriculum.
  • Secondary School Movement

    This is where secondary schools started to form across the United States forming elementary and secondary schools.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The main objective of this was to remove any and all problems that were caused from corruption of the government.
  • The impact of John Dewey

    John Dewey believed that children learned better "hands-on" This helped improve the education during that time.
  • Brown VS. Board of Education- MOST IMPORTANT

    Brown VS. Board of Education- MOST IMPORTANT
    After many court cases concerning the segregation of black and whites in the school,"Brown v. Board of Education" went to court. Segregated schools went against the Fourteenth Amendment that states "equal protection clause". The court concluded "That in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place." Even though it may have taken a few years before all of the public schools were desegregated, Brown v. Board of Education was the case that got the process started.
  • Sputnik and NDEA, 1957-58

    This was an act that was implemented and signed by President Eisenhower to improve secondary, and post secondary education. This was done by increasing more sophisticated technology.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    President Lyndon B. Johnson was responsible for this act and it was part of the "war on Poverty." The Elementary and Secondary Education Act help fund education, helping keep the standards high.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
    This act was passed to make sure that all children with disabilities had the same opportunity to receive free education just like the other children. It was to help make things equal. This is so important because this set a bar from yearly on that everyone should be treated equally and that is so important in our society. LINK: https://idea.ed.gov/
  • The Standards Movement

    The standards movement called for measurable and clear standards for all students in public schools at that time.
  • A Nation at Risk Report, 1983

    This was an assessment that happened in 1983 to determine that the US schools were lacking in 4 areas: Curriculum Content, Student Expectations, Instruction Time, and Teacher Preparation.
  • No Child Left Behind Act-MOST IMPORTANT

    No Child Left Behind Act-MOST IMPORTANT
    This was made to make sure that students are making yearly progress and are gaining the education they should be at that age. To ensure this, they implemented different yearly state testing. This is important, because I feel like children can so easily hide behind the scene if they are not learning, however they cannot pass a test if they don't what they are supposed to. This helps make sure all students are advancing when they should. Link: http://www.k12.wa.us/esea/NCLB.aspx