Creation of Public School Systems
With the increasing numbers of immigrants arriving in America, the creation of a public school system promoted a common educational experience. A nation wide public school system would be open to all students, regardless of race, class or gender. (WI first free public school 6/16/1845). -
The Cardinal Principles Report
The Cardinal Principles Report was instrumental in establishing a common curriculum of general knowledge and shared values. Educators recognized that the needs of society were changing, with an increased enrollment of a diverse student body. The Cardinal Principle Reports prompted changes to education to prepare students to follow vocational interests or plans after high school, creating a better democratic system. -
Brown Vs. Board Of Education
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public schools is “inherently unequal” creating mixed ethnicities in classrooms in attempts to equalize education. This decision was a pinnacle turning point for the US, as it recognized that racial discrimination was not what was best for students or our country. -
Public Law 94-142
Students with disabilities are required to have a free and appropriate education, tailored to their specific needs in the least restrictive learning environment. -
Virtual Learning Established
Focusing again on the needs of students, education incorporates online learning as a means to extend education. Online learning allows students the opportunity to take classes they may otherwise not have access to (due to location, medical issues, etc).