History Of Education


    The court ruled that a school policy of beginning football games with a prayer violated the First Amendment. This is important because of the fact that students today do pray at events like football at times. So even though it was ruled that it violates the First Amendment schools are doing this today. But this is only one of many court cases that have to do with praying and religion at schools.
  • The Higher Education Act

    This act expanded access to higher education for low and middle-income students, providing additional funds for graduate studies, and increasing accountability. This is important because it provides additional ways for low and middle-income students to have access to a good education without having to worry about money and cost.
  • International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL)

    A non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing K-12 online education, I think this is important because those are the most crucial times of learning and it is important that they have all the opportunities we have to offer.
  • Parents involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No 1

    The court ruled 5-4 that race cannot be a factor in assigning students to high schools, thus rejecting integration plans in Seattle and Louisville, and possibly affecting similar plans in school districts around the nation. This is important because it stops students from losing opportunities for a good education because of their race. Given them every one an equal opportunity.
  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009

    This provides more than 90-billion dollars for education, nearly half of which goes to local school districts to prevent layoffs and for school modernization and repair. This is important because it gives students an opportunity to be educated in good environments that are well built and safe to be in during long hours of the day.. It also will help teachers be able to focus on their teaching and not about the conditions of the building.
  • Many teachers face layoffs.

    With the U.S. economy mired in the "great recession" and unemployment remaining high, states have massive budget deficits. Because of this teachers will face layoffs and with the point that they aren't making enough and unemployment is already high.
  • New Texas social studies curriculum standards

    Many fear they will affect textbooks and classrooms in other states. This is important because technology is taking over in classrooms and who knows how much longer textbooks will be in classrooms.
  • Seattle high school teachers have refused to give the district-mandated Measures of Academy Progress,

    Seattle high school teachers have refused to give the district-mandated Measures of Academy Progress. I think this is important because of standardized testing and the fact that maybe it would be better to go a different direction with standardized testing in the future and it is important we shine a light on that.
  • The state's failure to enact pension reform.

    Chicago Public Schools announced that they will be laying off 663 employees, including 420 teachers. A month later, they lay off another 2100 employees including more than 1000 teachers. This is important because 1000 of 2100 people who were laid off were teachers and they struggle with employment already.
  • Every Town for Gun Safety

    CNN article published on June 12 states that there have been 74 school shootings in the last 18 months. I find this important because before all of this started happening schools had drills for school shootings but they weren't as in-depth as they are now. I feel that schools take it more seriously now than before.
  • A demographic milestone is reached

    Minority students enrolled in K-12 public school classrooms outnumber non-Hispanic Caucasians. This is important because there was a problem for so long with the minority in schools and the fact that the number is rising means there is more diversity in schools.
  • Allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity." Though the directive is not a law, districts that do not comply could face lawsuits or lose federal aid

    The federal government tells school districts "to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity." Though the directive is not a law, districts that do not comply could face lawsuits or lose federal aid. This is important but even after this two months later states were given the option to opt-out of this which doesn't give students the opportunity to express themself.
  • West Virginia teacher salaries are among the lowest in the nation.

    Schools are closed throughout West Virginia on February 22nd as teachers walkout to protest their pay and benefits. This is important because teachers are way underpaid and deserve to be recognized and deserve more. It is important that teachers fight for higher pay.
  • Los Angeles teachers return to work

    Los Angeles teachers return to work after a deal is made after a 6-day strick. This is important because teachers are taking away from students learning so them going on strick is taking away more money from them and taking away the students education.
  • COVID-19

    The World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a pandemic. Two days later, President Trump declares a national emergency. States close schools and many colleges and universities suspend "in-person classes." I thought this was important to add because we are going through this right now and it has changed a lot of what was normal. Everything is online for schools and it makes you wonder what will happen with schools once this is all over.