Education in the Colonial Period
Most Important The early period of education for the colonies.Education was for the wealthy. colleges like Harvard and Princeton we set up for a high division of learning without the first form of education, we would not be where we are now. -
Common Schools
This opened up the door for everyone to be able to receive an education, regardless of race, social status, gender religion etc. Public schools exist because of the common schools.idea. -
Committee of Ten
Most Important https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_of_TenThis was a large impact on the American educational system, the ten set up the standards of deciding how many years of lower education will be beneficial. Also what subject would be taught to prepare for higher education. -
Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century
As we talked about in class the large amount of immigration that was happening in the early 1900's effected the American education system. People were coming to America for the American dream and the education was part of that. Today we still have a high influx of immigration for the education. -
The Impact of John Dewey
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey John Dewey impacted education is the sense that he used his philosophy for the use of education and creating a the best student through the education system. -
The Impact of WW2
The impact on education through and after WWII. It open the door for more women in higher education. After the war higher education became a much bigger part of America form the help of the GI Bill. The GI bill has help many since then to build up there education. -
Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954
Most Important This is one of the most significant events that happen to education the the 20th century. The integration has had effects on the American education system for years. We still have issues with segregation and and lower income areas. Even though it was a big break through for education equality it still did not fix the problem completely. -
Sputnik and NDEA, 1957-58
Most Important This event had it pros and its cons. The pros are that it open up the eyes of that American people about education and its faults. The down side was that this gave the government and the people a out for blaming the countries problems on education. -
The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty
These events were want led up more equality in the the education system. MLK was a key figure creating civil rights for the country. it was a great stepping stone that has had an effect on the country for many years and continues to have an effect on it today. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 1965
http://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/programs/education/elementary-and-secondary-education-act-of-1965/ This was a big part of the war on poverty. President Johnson made it a point to fund education believing that this would help pull people out of poverty if they are able to educate themselves and their children. by creating title 1 schools and making them better for education. -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, 1975
Most Important, Before this act, the disabled people of America was not getting a fair shot at anything let alone education. This act was one of the final blocks for the build of the base for equality in education. there has been many amendments to the act and still more that could be done to help improve it in the future. Because of this, today we have any wonderful special education programs, but still have much work to do. -
The Standards Movement
This event is one of the most important events when it comes to the affect on education. It has opened up the door to standardize test the dictate the out come of schools. creating a standard for the country is important but having so much relied on it is not necessary. It continues to have an effect on education today as we put forth so much effort into standardize testing. -
A Nation at Risk Report, 1983
Again like Sputnik, A nation at Risk was a time that the country was looking for answers of why perhaps the nation was struggling. and again the easiest cop out was to blame education. I allowed for more funding to be put into education but also out more stress of the teachers to create better students. Students that were going to be more beneficial to society in a new technological world. This is still affecting us today because it opened up more programs to be used in the future. -
No Child Left Behind, 2001
The movement of No child left behind, it was the a benchmark for having Democrat and Republicans work together for the sake of education. the problem is that the program it self was flawed. President Bush built a lot of his campaign on the lines of getting everyone in education up to the same level. But it failed in the since that not everyone can learn at the same pace no matter how hard one try. -
ESSA 2015
in 2015 President Obama reauthorized the bipartisan measure to ensure the equal opportunity for everyone in education. This just builds up the NCLB act. Each act has its benefits and down falls. But building them up every so often will help with education in the future.