History of Education

  • First Latin Grammar School

    This was a school to educate young men to prepare for an university entrance
  • Some Thoughts Concerning Education, by John Locke

    Locke was convinced that moral education is more important than other kinds.
  • Academy of Philadelphia established by Benjamin Franklin

    This was the countries first medical schools and the nations first teaching hospital.
  • American Spelling Book, by Noah Webster

    This was a textbook made in the nineteenth century for young children.
  • Young Ladies' Academy of Philadelphia

    This institution was established for women's higher education in the United States.
  • English Classical School (later renamed English High School)

    This was the first public high school of any kind.
  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    This school was founded to teach those who are blind.
  • Horace Mann appointed Secretary, Massachusetts State Board of Education

    He overhauled the states public education system and established a series of schools to train teachers.
  • Normal School opened in Lexington, Massachusetts

  • Massachusetts Compulsory Attendance Act

  • Department of Education created

  • Brown vs. the Board of Education

  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • No Child Left Behind Act