First Latin Grammar School
This was a school to educate young men to prepare for an university entrance -
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, by John Locke
Locke was convinced that moral education is more important than other kinds. -
Academy of Philadelphia established by Benjamin Franklin
This was the countries first medical schools and the nations first teaching hospital. -
American Spelling Book, by Noah Webster
This was a textbook made in the nineteenth century for young children. -
Young Ladies' Academy of Philadelphia
This institution was established for women's higher education in the United States. -
English Classical School (later renamed English High School)
This was the first public high school of any kind. -
New England Asylum for the Blind
This school was founded to teach those who are blind. -
Horace Mann appointed Secretary, Massachusetts State Board of Education
He overhauled the states public education system and established a series of schools to train teachers. -
Normal School opened in Lexington, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Compulsory Attendance Act
Department of Education created
Brown vs. the Board of Education
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
No Child Left Behind Act