History of Education

  • Dame Schools

    Dame schools were a combination of a daycare and early childhood schooling. These schools proved that women would be good teachers and it opened the door to expanded education.
  • The Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647

    Massachusetts passed this act which had the intention to teach all children to learn to read and write to stop Satan's goal of keeping men from the knowledge of scripture. This required that all town with 50 families or more were required to have a teacher to help children read and write. This helped to initiate public schools in America.
  • The American Spelling Book

    The American Spelling Book is a textbook that is written by Noah Webster. This textbook was very popular among school aged children. Its goal was to teach children how to read and spell but it also came with lessons about morality and the American Government.
  • Aimwell Schools

    The Aimwell School was established by Anne Parrish. It was a school that supported girls from poorer families who could not afford to go to the Young Ladies' Academy of Philadelphia. Impoverished girls who could not afford an education were supported and the Aimwell School was also organized and financed by women.
  • James Pillans

    James Pillans is credited for inventing the blackboard. He was a high school teacher and is credited with this when he hung a large piece of slate on the wall of his classroom.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann was a big advocate for common schools and a fair education for everyone, no matter the background they come from. He was on Massachusetts' board of education and wrote biweekly journals for teachers called The Common School Journal. He also gave lectures on education when people would listen.
  • Roberts vs. City of Boston

    Roberts vs. City of Boston was a court case that argued segregated schools. This case was organized by the African American community. The Roberts family went to court with Boston to try and repeal the law of segregated schools because their five year old daughter had to walk past 5 white schools to get to her colored school. The court decided with Boston and segregated schools still remained there.
  • National Teacher Association

    The National Teacher Association was established in 1857 when educators met in Philadelphia to advocate for education. The name got changed to the National Education Association in 1870 and has also grown to around 40 that it started with to the millions who are still apart of it today. It is a labor union that represents teachers and other educators who are apart of the union.
  • Maria Montessori

    She was a physician and educator known for developing the "Montessori Method". She opened a childcare center to observe children in order to develop materials and a comfortable environment that encourages the desire to learn. Her methods helped children thrive, increase concentration, attention and self-discipline. This became very famous and her method was being used all around the world.
  • The New School for Social Research

    The New School for Social Research was founded by American Educators who wanted to create a new academic institution where issues facing society could be freely and honestly discussed. It is now known as The New School and it includes five colleges that reflect the interests of the founders.
  • Council for Exceptional Child

    The Council for Exceptional Children is an organization that is devoted to a fair and improving education for children who are exceptional. They advocate for related government policies, and set standards to get exceptional children farther and help them grow. They have 17 specialized divisions for different exceptionalities to learn more and advocate for specific groups.
  • Lau vs. Nichols

    This court case was about students where english was not their first language in an unaccommodating school system. A California school system had both english and no--english speaking students but they only taught classes in english and did not have any outside help for non-english speaking students. The court ruled that this did violate the fourteenth Amendment because it took away opportunities from those students.
  • Howard Gardner

    Howard Gardner is credited with coming up with the theory of Multiple Intelligences. This theory changed education because it changed how teachers teach in the classroom and showed how many different ways that students learn and how we have to accommodate those intelligences.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind is an act that was passed in 2002 to keep schools and students accountable for student performance. This law required that schools test students in every subject area a specific amount of times throughout their academic career and report that information for each individual student and also report for each group of students. This law also provides assistances to poor families in return for academic improvement.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education improvement Acts of 2004

    Individuals with Disabilities Education improvement Act of 2004 is a law that was passed that advocates for students with disabilities and their parents. This law states that no matter what the disability is the student is entitled to free and fair education. It also states that students with disabilities should be integrated into the classroom of students without disabilities and that every student with a disability should be given an IEP to meet their individual needs.