History of Education

  • First Public School

    First Public School
    Boston Latin School was the first school in the United States
  • Free Public Education

    Free Public Education
    Pennsylvania state constitution made a law for free education for poor children. It was still expected for the rich families to pay still. This would later advance to all states
  • Reform School

    Reform School
    Massachusetts Reform School was opened. This was for the children who refused to be in public schools attended. This would later turn into the combination of education and the juvenile justice systems.
  • Native Americans In Education

    Native Americans In Education
    Congress made it illegal for Native Americans to learn the native language in school. Children were also taken away from their parents and sent to a boarding school which was not on a reservation.
  • African American Education

    African American Education
    From 1865-1877, African Americans were able to have publication in the South for the first time. This was after the Civil War and the end of slavery.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The Supreme Court agreed that segregated schools were unfair and they must end.
  • Tribal Colleges Act

    Tribal Colleges Act
    The federal Tribal Colleges Act established a community college on every Indian Reservation. This allowed young people to go to college and not have to leave their families.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    California passed Proposition 187, which made it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend public schools.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This was the authorization for Elementary and Secondary Education systems to establish academic standards and improve ineffective schools
  • Andrew F. v. Douglas County School District

    Andrew F. v. Douglas County School District
    The Supreme Court requires schools to offer students with disabilities individualized education programs. These are IEP's, and they made this so students could make progress with their disability.