History of Education

  • Common Schools Movement

    Common Schools Movement
    Horace Mann was an activist who started the movement to create public schools that were sponsored by the state. He and the movement were able to create a state-wide public education that was funded by taxes. The following is a picture of one of the very first common schools.
  • Boston English High school

    This was the first public high school to be opened in America. This was a huge accomplishment that allowed students to attend school for free. This high school was originally created to teach blue color boys business, mechanics, engineering, and the trades. Their curriculum was very different than private schools that taught ministry and college prep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iel0aBT7qWc
  • The New England School for the Blind

    The New England School for the Blind
    In the year 1829 Asylum for the blind was opened in Boston. The institution started with six students but in the next few years had 10 times more students. This was the first school to teach blind and deaf students. They were taught reading, writing, and mathematics. Students were taught to use their sense of touch to compensate. The schools most famous graduate is Helen Keller.
  • Mount Holyoke Female Seminary

    Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
    The first college for women was opened with eighty students. This college was very strict on rigorous academic entrance requirements and they were big supporters of women's movements. Their mission statement was "Go where no one else will go, do what no one else will do. This college started many other different women's colleges to arrive and they were known for academic excellence.
  • Boston Public Library

    Boston Public Library
    The Boston Public Library was the first large free municipal library in the United States. Nicolas Marie Alexandre Vattemare was an advocate for the library. The library was a former schoolhouse. The library had a collection of sixteen thousand volumes. So they moved to a new location.
  • The Progressive Education Association

    The Progressive Education Association
    The Progressive Education Association was created to reform the American education system. They had many rules and goals for the association. Their values were for students to be able to develop on their own time. They also believed that interest in academics is key in a student wanting to learn. The scientific study of students and education should be integrated into the way teachers teach.
  • The Clinton 12

    The Clinton 12
    Twelve African American students known as the Clinton 12 successfully integrated into Clinton Highschool in Clinton Texas. There were the first students to go to a white school and this is when segregation was ended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvOJRQPKmE4(https://www.timetoast.com)
  • The ACT is first administered

    The ACT is first administered
    This was the beginning of the standardized tests. This was a key moment in the history of education because the ACT has been a prominent part of students receiving scholarships and determining whether or not they can attend college. The ACT has put a lot of pressure on students and it is slowly starting to get used less and less.
  • First Magnet School

    The McCarver Elementary school in Tacoma Washington became the nation's first magnet school. Magnet schools are public schools that have specialized courses. These schools draw in and allow students from different boundaries and school districts. This allowed for smaller schools to gain more students.
  • Apple is started

    Apple is started
    Apple is a personal computer and was one of the most successful ones. This changed the game in education because of the heavy use of computers and technology in school. Now almost all assignments are done online and you can even take classes online.