History of Education

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Education in the Colonial Period
    Town schools and dame schools educated the students in reading, writing, and mathematics. Dame schools were held in the kitchen or living room of a neighborhood woman.
  • The Impact of Thomas Jefferson MOST IMPORTANT

    The Impact of Thomas Jefferson MOST IMPORTANT
    Thomas Jefferson proposed a Bill to have every county into small districts. And have each district establish a school for teaching, reading,and arithmetic. This bill never passed but he still advocated his plan with different rules.
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    The Common School movement is when state systems of education was established. It's when our education system began to form. The government wanted to have a great role in the public school system and common schools started spreading.
  • The Impact of Horace Mann MOST IMPORTANT

    The Impact of Horace Mann MOST IMPORTANT
    Horace Mann became a spokesperson for the Common School Movement. He organized the schools in Massachusetts into a state system and also established a state board of education. He wanted everyone to know about the problems we had in the education today and he tried to get support from the public people.
  • Population Growth and Immigration of the 19th Century

    Population Growth and Immigration of the 19th Century
    Many immigrants came to America to seek for a better life and for better economic opportunities. Because of how many people came they had to build bigger schools to fit everyone.
  • The Growth of Standardized Testing

    The Growth of Standardized Testing
    Standardized testing has changes over the years by what is on the test for each grade and the material. You have standardized testing to see if you are meeting the standards of the state. And see what you know and what you can learn better.
  • Secondary School Movement

    Secondary School Movement
    Offering Education beyond the elementary school level. This movement started from most states that already had common schools.
  • The Impact of John Dewey

    The Impact of John Dewey
    He is known for being part of the progressive era. He believes that humans learn best from a hands on approach. By having curriculum that is relevant to the students lives.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education MOST IMPORTANT

    Brown vs. Board of Education MOST IMPORTANT
    The United States Supreme court declared that it was unconstitutional for black and white students to be segregated. Which led to desegregating of schools. It started with the Little Rock Nine that went to Central High School. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX9Dmo24_cc
  • The Civil Rights Movement MOST IMPORTANT

    The Civil Rights Movement MOST IMPORTANT
    This movement was all about having equal opportunities no matter what you look like. This was in everyday life and also in the education system. It was for everyone to have a equal opportunity and be able to meet their full potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S64zRnnn4Po
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act MOST IMPORTANT

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act MOST IMPORTANT
    This law supports special education and any other programs that go with this for young students that have disabilities. This allows students with disabilities be able to attend public education. They have specialized services for children with disabilities.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This law was signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. This offered grants to low income students, for textbooks, funding for special education centers, and scholarships for low income students. And it provided federal grants for the states so they could improve on elementary schools.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A Nation at Risk Report
    President Ronald Reagan gave a speech talking about how our education system is suffering. And because of this speech it increased how schools challenged their students.
  • School Choice Movement

    School Choice Movement
    This allows array of programs that offers families and students different options for public schools. Which can be charter schools, homeschool, and virtual school.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Every state needed to come up with standards for there students to succeed. And each grade had to be tested a certain amount to see if they are meeting those standards.