History of Education

By ms10is
  • Common Schools

  • Impact of Horace Mann

  • Population Growth in the 19th Century

  • The Progressive Reform Movement

  • The Impact of John Dewey

  • The Impact of World War II

  • Brown vs. Board of Education - MOST Important

    Brown vs. Board of Education - MOST Important
    Brown vs. Board of Education was very significant to the history of education because it made it possible for children of all races to learn together in the same school. This is important to education today because it gives the same opportunities for all children be educated together, equally and with the same quality of education. http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka
  • Sputnik and NDEA

  • The Civil Rights Movement

  • IDEA - MOST Important

    IDEA - MOST Important
    The IDEA Act was passed to ensure that all children, no matter what their ability, could receive a free education. This impacts education today because ALL children are able to receive the best education possible. idea.ed.gov
  • A Nation at Risk Report - MOST Important

    A Nation at Risk Report - MOST Important
    A Nation at Risk was important because it changed how education was viewed and it made requirements for education that did not exist before. It impacts education today because it moved education forward in its importance in our national political agenda and brought attention to a system that was struggling. www2.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/risk.html
  • The Standards Movement

  • Growth of Standardized Testing

  • School Choice Movement - MOST Important

    School Choice Movement - MOST Important
    The school choice movement is important because it gives parents the opportunity to choose what type of education is best for their children. It is impacting education today because it is taking money from traditional schools and some of the money is being wasted and misused by some not caring about education.
  • No Child Left Behind -MOST Important

    No Child Left Behind -MOST Important
    No Child Left Behind is important because it changed how schools are evaluated and made standardized testing more impactful. It influences education today by setting high standards for teaches and students to achieve. www2.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml