History of EdTech

  • Early Broadcast Era

    Early Broadcast Era
    Radio was the first tool to be used in distance learning. It was essentially for reaching students that didnt have access to formal schools. Around 1930s educational broadcasts became a staple for many countries.
  • Programmed Instruction Era

    Programmed Instruction Era
    In the 1950s, educational devices like those created by B.F. Skinner became popular. These devices provide lessons to students in short steps. and provide immediate feedback and made them learn according to their needs. At the same time, educational television programs are also used to organize visual lessons. This phase planted the seeds of computer-based education for future.
  • Personal Computer Era

    Personal Computer Era
    Between 1980 and 1990 there has a been huge increase of personal computer use in school environments. School curriculums also started adding computer use into their routines with educational softwares such as Oregon Trail and Math Blaster. This era also saw the rise of CD-ROMs used for multimedia learning experiences. In the 1990s, computers were not only used for teaching specific subjects. but also for teaching basic computer knowledge.
  • Internet and E-Learning Era

    With internet becoming widely accessible in 2000s education technology took a huge leap. With release of apps such as Blackboard, Moodle, and later Google Classroom, facilities could deliver courses entirely online. Students could enroll, submit assignments, participate in forums, and take quizzes through these platforms. The concept of distance learning that was experimented in 1930 evolved signifcantly during this period
  • Mobile and AI-Driven Era

    Mobile and AI-Driven Era
    Between 2010- present, The rise of smartphone apps has evolved education and revolutionized in a way we never expected. Platforms like Youtube provides various free courses that everyone can access online. Pandemic also sped up online education's progress with tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence began shaping personalized learning experiences. Not only it helps with many tasks it can also provide us with information on any subject.
  • References

    Bates, T. (2018, July 2). Twenty years of edtech. EDUCAUSE Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2018/7/twenty-years-of-edtech The rise of edtech: A historical perspective. (2021, November 11). TeachFlow. https://teachflow.ai/the-rise-of-edtech-a-historical-perspective/