Period: Feb 28, 1483 to Apr 15, 1546
Martin Luther
"Father" of reformation
Wanted everyone to know how to read
Development is very important -
Period: to
John Amos Comenius
Birth to 6 years of age are crutial learning ages
Nurturing is the start of education
Believed that language was key to learning
Wrote two books education
-The Great Didactic
Education should be positive
Senses should be involved with education
-Orbis Pictus
Learning through pictures and words -
Period: to
John Locke
Tabula Rosa-Children are blank slates -
Period: to
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Education begins at birth
Children need an enviorment to learn on their own
In is book he talks about each child develops at their own rate -
Period: to
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
1st year if life is most important
Children deserve and education
Educations needs to focus on each child's interest, ability, and stage of development
Opened his own school with focus on reading and writing -
Period: to
Robert Owen
No longer allowed children to work in his factory
Established the first school for infants
Believed in natural consequences -
Period: to
Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel
Created a teaching system for young children
Father of kindergarten
Huge contributor in the areas of:
-Learning theory
-Teacher training
Playing adds value to a child's learning
Learning activities based off of when child was ready
Gifts-help children learn concepts
Occupations- handwork for helping children develop specialized skills
Songs- development of spiritual values -
Period: to
John Dewey
Childrens' interest were base of cirriculum
Idea of a "whole child"
Needed for education
-Physical activity- runnong, jumping
-Using tools and objects
-Intellecual activities=> discovering how things work, problem solving
-Must have socail interaction with everyone
Goal of education is to prepare people to live a democratic society
Teachers' job is to observe cild and base cirriculum off their children's abilities -
Period: to
Rachel and Margaret McMillan
Nursey School Movement
Programs degined through signs of poverty
-nurture, health, educate parents
Play is very important with structure
Aesthetics are important -
Period: to
Rudolf Stiener and Waldorf
First 7 years of a child's life are most important
Focuses on mind, body and spirit
-the "whole" child
-Home like
-community and workinf together
-focuses on seceruity
-celebrates each child -
Period: to
Maria Montessori
Developed an entire education system for chlildren
-Sensory input
-Practical application
-Hands'on learning
-very systematic
Each child develops differently
Above everything else.... RESPECT -
Bloom and Hunt Research
most rapic development is betewwn ages birth to 8
children are not born with fixed intellengence
children might fal begind if life at home is not stimulating
Attitude is everything and will effect a child's outlook on the world forever -
Head Start
Breaks the cycle of poverty
Directly serves young children and their families
Educates families in poverty
Giving children an equal oppertunity to learn and recive an education