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History of dominican movie

  • History of dominican movie

    History of dominican movie
    The cinema appears in the Dominican Republic in August 1900 in the city of Puerto Plata. The Curiel theater of this city was witness to the cinematographer of the Lumiére brothers, on that date. The person in charge of the first exhibitions of these works in the whole area, was the industrialist Francesco Grecco who, for that, crossed the Caribbean showing this attractive invention.
  • first Dominican movie

    first Dominican movie
    In 1915 the Puerto Rican cameraman Rafael Colorado, made the first film made in the Dominican Republic, by a foreigner, entitled "Excursion of José de Diego in Santo Domingo".
  • first fiction movie

    first fiction movie
    In the film prehistory of Dominican cinema, the work of the photographer and editor Francisco Palau stands out. In 1922, along with the photographer Tuto Báez and Juan B. Alfonseca, he made the first fiction film of Dominican cinema: "The legend of the Virgin of the Altagracia ", with the collaboration in the texts of the historian Bernardo Pichardo.