Historia del cine dominicano

History of Dominican cinema

  • The first appearance of cinema in the country

    The first appearance of cinema in the country
    Teatro Curiel of the northern city of Puerto Plata offers an exhibition of the Cinematograph Lumière
  • Rafael Colorado

    Puerto Rican cameraman Rafael Colorado filmed José de Diego to Santo Domingo, the first film shot in the Dominican Republic by a foreigner. In the history of the silent Dominican Cinema, the works of the photographer and editor Francisco Palau stand out,
  • La leyenda de la Virgen de la Altagracia

    The film Prehistory of Dominican Cinema highlights the work of photographer and editor Francisco Palau, who in 1922 next to the photographer Tuto Báez and Juan B. Alfonseca makes the first fictional film of Dominican Cinema: "The Legend of the Virgin of Altagracia" , with the collaboration in the texts of the historian Bernardo Pichardo.
  • The first Dominican film.

    The first Dominican film.
    Palau premiered on the night of February 16th, 1923, and became the first Dominican film.
  • “Las emboscadas de Cupido

    “Las emboscadas de Cupido
    The enthusiasm of this team later motive the realization of a comedy with naive tints with the title of "The Ambushes of Cupid" (1924). This film, counted in five acts, narrated the story of a couple of lovers who did not have the consent of the father of the bride, and obliges the groom to make a funny plot so that the father can accept it. It was exhibited to the public on March 19, 1924.
  • Rafael Leónidas Trujillo

    Rafael Leónidas Trujillo
    El régimen dictatorial (1930-61) instaurado por Rafael Leónidas Trujillo impone un freno total a las manifestaciones artísticas y culturales, estimulando solamente aquello que entiende beneficioso para sus propósitos. El primer filme sonorizado es un noticiario de actualidades rodado en 1930 acerca de la figura del presidente Trujillo
  • Pupito

    The filmmaker Rafael Augusto Sánchez Sanlley "Pupito", produces thirteen documentaries for the regime and its Dominican film company.
  • dramaturgo

    In 1963 playwright Franklin Domínguez rolls his feature film La Silla, where he denounces the horrors of the Trujillo regime. After this film proposal takes place a lapse of twenty-five years until another Dominican product appears that testifies to the will to formalize a Dominican filmography.
  • fallecimientos de varios dominicanos

    fallecimientos de varios dominicanos
    In 1980, when several Dominicans died suffocated inside a container of the ship Regina Express. The film shows a hard but human view of the fact, and despite the technical deficiencies, the camera work in a neorealist style made by Peyi Guzmán prints a strong expressiveness to the image.