Jan 1, 1000
Native American Distance Education in the form of storytelling
Storytellers traveled from village to village to tell traditional stories in which many values and morals were indirectly taught. Origin stories were told as well as the regular teaching stories. This was pre-1492. -
Isaac Pitman teaches short hand by correspondence.
Chautauqua Correspondence College founded (New York)
Home Economics courses for women offered in New York
Pennsylvania State College broadcast courses over the radio.
NHSC Established - two million students enrolled every year equalling 4 times the number of all the students enrolled in colleges
State University of Iowa - first university to broadcast educational television
Control Data opens Plato Homelink, an online educational service
IBM creats the interactive Satellite Education Network
Time Magazine names the computer as the "Man of the Year"
The U.S. Department of Education establishes the Distance Learning Education Demonstration Program which will serve as a pilot program of 15 post-secondary schools, systems and consortia permitted to offer federal financial aid for distance learning progr
Blackboard announces patent
MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) was coined by Dave Cornier