Datamoshing - Fiorella Yantani

  • Beginnings of datamoshing

    Beginnings of datamoshing
    Thanks to the flaws seen in the first digital video codecs a technique called Datamoshing emerged in the early 2000s
  • Period: to

    Data moshing

    Datamoshing is a technique that creates a glitch effect due to the damage in videos.
  • The first serious artistic display

    The first serious artistic display
    The first serious artistic display of datamoshing can be found in a video from 2003
  • What really catapulted Datamoshing

    What really catapulted Datamoshing
    What really catapulted Datamoshing into the art world was the work of contemporary American artist Takeshi Murata in 2005 and 2006, Monster Movie, a short film from a Smithsonian collection.
  • Datamoshing considerent outdated

    Datamoshing considerent outdated
    In 2009, Datamoshing was already considered outdated by various artists, especially after Kanye West decided to make a music video using the technique.
  • Datamoshed transition

    Datamoshed transition
    Filmmaker Leos Carax released a datamoshed transition in his 2012 film Holy Motors. It was Carax's first film shot digitally.
  • Datamoshing nowadays

    Datamoshing nowadays
    Daramoshing is not as popular as before but it still is a famous technique and many people know and like it