Jun 15, 1215
King John I: Magna Carta
Details that punishment is to be dictated solely by your peer group, not my a person in authority. -
The Code of King Hammurabi *1754 BC*
*Note: Date & Automatic Placement Incorrect; 1754 BC. Details that all people are treated equally and are punished as equals. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Details that people govern themselves, and are to do so in a way that is fair for everyone. Your opinions and actions may not harm others, for that is not for the best of the group. -
Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S.
Details an event in which the good of all people is taken into consideration, so that all are equal. -
New Zealand: Election Act
Details a descision that was made by the majority of the people. (By the people, for the people) -
U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Details that it is important to teach our young the system that we plan to place them in so that they, too, may be the people for the people. All must recognise that humans are equal and must treat one another as such. -
John Locke: Concerning Civil Government
EXACT NUMBER DATE UNKNOWN Details that people are to act by law of human nature, not by the government. What you may do while among others in society is not to be decided by the government, but by those in society. -
Treaty of Maastricht on European Union
Details that Ieurope should stay united to build a strong future by relying on one another. Yes to government that is for the people, and that includes human freedoms and rights.