Period: Feb 5, 1400 to
history of comunication
Feb 5, 1446
picture on the wall -
Feb 5, 1450
printing press
machine that presses things on to paper -
fist news paper in urope
it was when the first macnine was put to work to make the first news paper in europe -
purtiansestablished cambridge press
its a machine that made ink press called the cambridge press -
ben harris
he printed the first newspaper both foreigh and in boston -
the way to comunicate to make words -
a machine to make latter -
james franklin
he excercised the privllage of editorial independence -
ben franklin
prints monkey calling for paper currency -
ben franklin
first public libary -
poor richard
helped creat popular culatuar in america -
prints amirican magazines -
sedition act
act that separeted seragation -
was the type of way people comunicated -
call people from a distance -
thye of machine used for comunication -
email is created to comunicated from a distance -
online sources
way people comunicted on line -
online calling
is calling threw the internet -
words that come togher to make santaces to make word but people write it out