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History of consoles

  • Ralph H. Bear is born

    Ralph H. Bear is born
    He was born in Germany right around when the Nazi party took over.
  • Ralph is drafted to WW2

    Ralph is drafted to WW2
    He was drafted and served as military intelligence
  • Ralph is employed at Sanders Associates

    Ralph is employed at Sanders Associates
    He was hired at Sanders Associates
  • Bill Gates is born

    Bill Gates is born
    Bill Gates founder of Microsoft is born in Washington
  • Ralph creates Pong

    Ralph would later as a project at work create the world's first video game Pong
  • Bill would use a computer for the time

    Bill would use a computer for the time
    Bill Gates would use a computer for the first time at Lakeside School.
  • The Magnavox Odyssey would come out

    The Magnavox Odyssey would come out
    Magnavox releases the first at home console in the world
  • Microsoft is founded

    Microsoft is founded
    Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded at the time Micro-Soft
    (dropped the hyphen after a year)
  • Period: to

    Microsoft becomes its own individual company

    Microsoft moves after its parent business is sold
  • Period: to

    The Xbox continues to improve and grow

    From the First the Xbox all the way to the Xbox Series-x The Xbox line is the one of the most popular console line to date
  • The first Xbox is released

    The first Xbox is released
    Microsoft created the Xbox to compete with other software companies like Sony
  • Ralph H. Bear passes away from natural causes

    Ralph H. Bear passed away from old age in 2014