Pascal's Calculator
Leibniz's Calculator
Jacquard Loom
Babbage's Difference Engine
Hollerith's Tabulating Machine
binary electrically driven mechanical calculator -
Atanasoff's ABC
Mark I
First Generation Begins: Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation Begins: Transistors
Third Generation Begins: Microcomputers, Integrated Circuits, Timesharing
Moore's Law
Number of Transistor's Doubles every 2 years -
First Microprocessor
Fourth Generation Begins: Personal Computers, LANs, Internet, Graphical User Interface
IBM Personal Computer
Early Tablet Computer Created: CIC Handwriter
Metcalfe's Law
"the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system" -
First Smartphone: GS 88
Intel Pentium III Microprocessor