John Napier discovered logarithms
John Napier discovered logarithms. Logarithms is a long sum in mathematics. -
Blaze Pascal invented the first calculator
Blaze Pascal invented the first calculator in 1645 but it only did adding and subtracting – not a complicated calculator. -
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz invented a more complicated calculator
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz – more complicated calculator – 1674 -
Joseph-Marie jacquard invented a loom
Joseph-Marie jacquard invented a loom which makes cloths this was invented in 1804. -
Lady Augusta ada – first programmer, programed bragges invention
Lady Augusta ada – first programmer, programed bragges invention -
Charles Babbage invented an analytical engine
Charles Babbage – difference engine, analytical engine and also train things – 19th century -
Tommy flowers and Alan Turing – invented first electronic computer
Tommy flowers and Alan Turing – invented first electronic computer -
Alan turing invented paper called on computable numbers
Alan turing – paper called on computable numbers – 1942 -
bletchley park invente code breaker computers
Bletchley Park – code breakers used computers