History of Computers

  • Magnavox Odyssey

    Magnavox Odyssey
    First video game console that allowed you to play several different games on one device.
  • Altair 8800

    Altair 8800
    Altair 8800 kits, a microcomputer designed with 8080 CPU, are released to the public.
  • Lisa Computer

    Lisa Computer
    Apple releases the first commerical computer with a GUI.
  • First Apple Mac

    First Apple Mac
    Steve Job's introduces the first Apple Computer called the Macintosh that startred it all.
  • Windows 3.1

    Windows 3.1
    Microsoft introduces Windows 3.1.
  • Nintendo Virtual Boy

    Nintendo Virtual Boy
    The Nintendo Virtual boy was the first and only virtual reality headset.
  • Internet Access

    Internet Access
    More than half of the households in America have Internet access on August 17, 2000 according to Nielsen.
  • WII

    Nintendo's Wii console is released.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    Apple releases it's first ever smartphone called the Iphone.This is a big impact on our lives because we both use our iphones a lot.
  • Google New Email Sysytem

    Google New Email Sysytem
    On July 7th Google releases Gmail. This is important to us because we use it a lot in our daily lives.