The first house made
The first recorded mention of building, as opposed to property, in the family - and hence the year from which Durtnell dates its existence - is 22 July 1591, -
first computer made
1822- First computer invented -
first car
In 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had been designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made the use of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle. His first Motorwagen was built in 1885 in Mannheim, Germany. -
the first transistor computer made
1953-First transistor computer made -
first didital computer game
spacewar was one of the first didital computer games to be made.
It was created by steve rusell. -
First mouse created
1963- first mouse created -
The first generated computer
the first film ever generated by a computer was the Humming created by Charles Csuri and James Shaffer. -
The internet was invented
1969- The internet was invented -
First email sent
1972- First Email
The first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson -
when netflix was invented
it was found by Reed Hastings, Marc Randolph -
the first person to hack the internet
After just 30 minutes Chris Wysopal and friends already thought they did a enough damage to shut the web down for a couple of days. -
x box created
it was realeaed in north america in 2001 but it was realesed at 2002 in europe -
When Linkenin launched
it was created by gabe newell -
facebook was invented
facebook was invented by mark Zuckerberg -
when facebook was invented
it was invented by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim -
it was created by Alexis Ohanian, Steve Huffman -
when the wii was created
it was created by : Fusajiro Yamauchi -
The first i phone created
The first i phone was created by Charles.j.Psula -
When instagram was invented
instagram was invented by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger -
The Queens first Tweet
The Queen said "It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R." -
oculus rift
they are predicted to cost $300 depending on the time they take to build -
North Korea
Economic sanctions have been placed on three organisations in North Korea and 10 people, although the US say they were not directly involved with the cyber attack. -
dog 3d printed legs
3d printed legs are being designed so dogs with disagvantes like not being able to walk or if they have broke legs they can rest there actual paws of legs a comfutable wayand still walk.the 3d legs work where the paws slot into a plastic liner which has tyres underneath and the dogs legs are strapped in so they can walk again.the promblem with this is that it costs a lot of money. -
the healing plaster
the healing plaster covers many promblems they are still doing some tests with it to make sure it doesn't react with some humans skin but over all it looks like it is up and running for the future. -
The Meccancind is the the new robot that mirrors your every move. -
self driving car
the self driving car is a big thing coming up in the worlds future goggle have alredy relized photos of there car and probably will come out AROUND 2021