History of computers

  • First Generation Computer

    First Generation Computer
    First generation computer was based on machine lenguage to perform operationf and could only solve one time at a time. (UNIVAC and ENIAC)
  • Second Generation Computer

    Second Generation Computer
    The second generation computer replaced vacuum tubes with transitors, so they are smaller and consume less electricity than the previous communication with these new computers in through more advanced programming lenguages.
  • Third Generation Computer

    Third Generation Computer
    The Third Generation computer was characterized by the use of integrated circuits (chips) witch allowed greater efficiency, reduction is size and lower energy consumption. Mainly high-level lenguages were used that made programming easier.
  • Fourth Generation computers

    Fourth Generation computers
    The computers are mainly cahracterized by the use of microprocessors since they allowed faster, smaller and more efficient devices. The finft personal computers emerged.
  • Fifth Generation Computers

    Fifth Generation Computers
    The fifht generation computers is characterized by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) thanks to micro-electronicst. They are connected to other computers through wired operating systems or later via the Internet.