High tech computer 1

History of Computers

By Lynexs
  • Steam Driven Calculator

    Steam Driven Calculator
    Created by Babbage. The computer had the ability to receive data, process it, store it, and display it. The Government gave funding to create a more complex version called the "Analytical Engine."
  • Universal Computation Machine

    Universal Computation Machine
    Alan Turing Developed the Universal Computation Machine. THis Invention is considered to be the origin of the stored-program computer used by John von Neumann
  • Punch Card Calculator

    Punch Card Calculator
    Herman Hollerith created the Punch Card Calculator paving a way for the Company IBM in the future to use the same idea using punch cards
  • Hewlet Packard was Founded

    Hewlet Packard was Founded
    Hewlet Packard commonly Known today as HP formed in Palo Alto, CA on January 1

    1953 Grace Hopper developed COBAL and was also a Naval Officer who went to Yale. She Promoted the language and adaptation by the military and private sectors
  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)

    GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    Douglas Engelbart Developed the basic GUI. It was a Mouse, Made out of wood.
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne Starts Apple out of a garage and to become one of the most prominent Mega Tech companies
  • Cisco

    Cisco was founded in San Francisco, CA in the middle of silicon valley. Becomming a manufacture that sells networking hardware, software, telecommunications equipment
  • Windows

    Microsoft (founded by Bill Gates and Pual Allen) starts selling Windows
  • HTML

    Tim Berners Lee developed HTML. He created a Web server and browser. At CERN he developed the code for his Web server on a NeXT computer
  • WiFi was coined

    WiFi was coined
    The name Wi-Fi, commercially used at least as early as August 1999. It was Coined by consulting firm Interbrand in 1990.
  • Amazon

    The Worlds Biggest ecommerce becomes a reality in 1994 and would become the worlds biggest company founded by Jeff Benzos in Bellevue, WA.
  • iPhone was Developed

    iPhone was Developed
    The iPhone was Developed know as the first gen iPhone
  • Chromebook

    GOOGLE developed the first known Chromebook
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Jony Ive's started talks of such project after the passing Steve Jobs