Ray Tomlinson invented Email. It plays a big role in technology because it's constantly used in schools, work places, and more, to commuicate a lot of information. -
Founded by Steve Jobs, Apple now sells iPhones, iPads, iPods, and more. Apple products are a part of so many people's lives and Apple is one of the most popular computer companies. -
James T. Russell invented the CD. There is a lot of different uses for it, such as data and music, and it's portable. -
Rowland Hanson created Windows. Many people who have computers use this operating system, and it is a big part of the computer industry. -
Invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google is the most used search engine worldwide. It gives you quick results for any question you have, whether it's for a school project, a definition, and more. -
Blackberry Mobile Phone
This was the first cell phone supporting email and limited HTML browsing, and most importantly was the first time a cell phone had a full keyboard. -
iTunes Music Store
iTunes is a revolutionary online music store that lets customers quickly find, purchase and download the music they want. -
Apple created the device during a secretive collaboration with AT&T Mobility for an estimated cost of $150 million over thirty months. Now the iPhone is the most popular cell phone, and this was the beginning of its popularity. -
Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Right when it was released, it's popularity started growing fast, and now there are 300 million active users. -
My Event
Technology affected my life the most when I got my first phone, the iPhone 5. Now I had the freedom to text and call anyone I wanted at any time, and I also got into social media.