Nintendo was released
The nintendo company was founded in japan -
the first computer
the first games console was mad, the Magnavox Odessey
apple was founded by Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne
windows 1.0 was invented.
Monorail invented.
Prototype was made in Russia 1820 -
tim burners-lee inveted the internet
Tom Tom invetnted
A dutch company founded the GPS Tom Tom -
google was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Tripadvisor founded
3 men founded the hholiday finder site called Tripadvisor. -
Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales
Oringinal xbox released
Microsoft release the worlds first xbox -
Mocrosoft created skype -
face book invented by Mark Zuckerberg
Yotube was created
Youtube was created by 3 men; Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim. -
Trivago launched
3 German men founded trivago in Germany. -
Qzone was invented in China
Xbox 360 was released by Microsoft
twitter was invented by jack dorsey
The Iphone 1 was released by Apple
Google+ launched.
Google launched the social network google+ -
Facebook brought Instgram for 1 billion dollars and 300 million dollars in cash
Google thought of the first driverless car
May 2014 Google presented the prototype for the driverless car. -
windows 8 was released
Vine was created
Dom Huffman, Rus Yusupov and Collin Kroll founded vine. A video sharing website that allows you to upload 10 second long videos. -
Xbox 1 was released
Apple released the Iphone 6 and 6 plus
Mark Zuckerberg is the first billionaire from social newtworks.
The creator of facbook is now worth 34.8 billion dollars -
playstation 5
Sony may release the Plystation 5 -
New Xbox
Microsoft may reales a new Xbox. No one knows what they might call it. -
Apple Ipod touch 6
Apple may realise ipod touch 6 -
Windows 10
Microsoft will realise windows 10 for comaptible laptops, computors and phones -
All the major phone companys might realise 5g