Leibniz machine (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz)
George Boole (Boolean Algebra)
Charles Xavier Thomas mechanical calculator
Augusta Ada King (Countess of Lovelace)
Chester Carlson's Xerox machine
Integrated Circuit
Integrated Circuit (Mickey)
It was said to be invented by Jack Kilby. It is the transisters packed together to create one integrated circuit. It is a hardware. -
Douglas Engelbert
Douglas Engelbert (Julia)
Douglas is the person who invented the mouse that we use in the modern days to select and click things. It is a hardware (I thought it was an output device...) -
MS-DOS Computer Operating System
MS-DOS Computer Operating System (Hetvi)
It uses the same operating system as in modern days " CMD ". The full name is Microsoft Disk Operating System -
Charles Babbage Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage Difference Engine
Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee (Jion)
Tim invented the " World Wide Web " or the " www. " that we use nowadays to research etc. all around in the internet.