History of Computer

By nash12
  • 3000 BCE

    1. The Abacus (c. 3000 BCE)

    1. The Abacus (c. 3000 BCE)
    Description: One of the earliest tools used for computation, the abacus is a simple counting frame.
  • 2. Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine (1837)

    2. Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine (1837)
    Description: Charles Babbage created the Difference Engine, which is considered to be one of the first mechanical computers. It was capable of computing polynomial functions, but it was never finished during his lifetime.
  • 3. The Turing Machine (1936)

    3. The Turing Machine (1936)
    Description: Turing, also known as Alan Turing, conceptualized an imaginary device known as the Turing Machine, that has become a model for computation in modern computer science.
  • 4. ENIAC (1945)

    4. ENIAC (1945)
    Description: The first electronic digital computer designed for widespread use was called the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC. It might resolve challenging mathematical issues.
  • 5. Transistor Revolution (1947)

    5. Transistor Revolution (1947)
    Description: Computers with large vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors, which significantly increased the computers' efficiency, dependability, and size. A fundamental component of contemporary computing and electrical technologies is this innovation.
  • 6. Integrated Circuits (1958)

    6. Integrated Circuits (1958)
    Description: The integrated circuit, or microchip, was created separately by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce and allowed for the integration of many transistors into a single chip. This discovery cleared the door for smaller, quicker, and more inexpensive computers.
  • 7. Apple I

    7. Apple I
    Description: Steve Wozniak created the Apple I, which was the company's first computer and was offered as a basic circuit board without a casing, keyboard, or display when it was originally debuted in 1976. To make it function, users had to assemble and add their own components.
  • 8. The IBM Personal Computer (1981)

    8. The IBM Personal Computer (1981)
    Description: The MS-DOS operating system and other contemporary computing standards were established by the IBM PC, which went on to become the industry standard for personal computers.
  • 9. The Internet and World Wide Web (1990s)

    9. The Internet and World Wide Web (1990s)
    Description: The World Wide Web, created by Tim Berners-Lee, allowed users to access the Internet for the first time. It altered the worldwide flow of information.
  • 10. Smartphones (2007)

    10. Smartphones (2007)
    Description: The iPhone, which combined a phone, camera, and internet gadget into one, completely changed personal computing. It signaled the advent of mobile computing.