Jan 1, 1000
Language was invented in 350,000 to 150,000 BCE; the timeline can't go back this far. I tried. Scientists suggest that the first words may have been created based off of hand motions. -
Jan 1, 1001
Ideographic and Syllabic Language
Actually happened in 3,100 BCE. -
Jan 1, 1002
Phoenician Alphabet
Actually in 1,500 BCE. -
Jan 1, 1003
Actually 105 CE (we're getting close to having accurate time periods!!) The first paper was made from hemp, rags, and grass. -
Feb 4, 1049
First Movable Clay Type
Yep, this one was actually in 1049. It was created in China by Pi Sheng. -
Jan 1, 1453
42-Line Bible by Gutenberg
After Gutenberg invented the printing press, it became possible to mass-produce documents such as books, increasing the ability for poor people to read and learn. -
Jan 1, 1560
Camera Obscura Invented
This was the most basic camera; it required the "photographer" to draw out the image projected onto the paper. -
First Patented Typewriter
Translatlantic Telegraph Line
Electric Telephone
The first telephone call took place on March 10, 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell called his assistant to say "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you." -
Edison Patents the Phonograph
The phonograph was used to record and reproduce sound. -
First Answering Machine
Transatlantic Radio Signal by Marconi
Telex Messaging Network Comes Online
Sony Walkman
The Walkman was one of the first portable devices used to play music. -
First Cellular Phone Network
Facebook Launched
Facebook is the biggest social media company, with 1.44 billion active monthly users. -
WWW Conceived in CERN
Apple II