1945 Arthur C. Clarke Article: "Extra-Terrestrial Relays"
1945 Arthur Charles Clark writes the Article "Extra-Terrestrial Relays" He states that it is possible for there to be sattelites used as relay stations for Earth-based communications. -
Arthur C. Clarkes Relay System
Period: to
Communication Sattelite History
John R Pierce Article "Orbital Radio Relays"
Proves that Clarke's theory would work. -
Sputnik 1 Launched
Russia launches the first man-made satellite into space, Sputnik 1. This triggers the space race. It had four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. -
Echo 1A Launched
Nasa succesfully launches Echo 1A into space. It was a passive metalized satellite balloon that reflected microwave signals back to earth. -
Telstar 1 Launched
This was the first Satellite to succesfully relay through space the first television pictures, telephone calls, fax images and provided the first tranatlantic televison feed. Telstar 2 was launched on May 7 1963 and looked nearly identical. -
Intelsat I Launched
Intelsat I (also known as Early Bird) is launched. It is the first commercial communications satellite to be launched. It was the first satellite to provide direct and near instantaneous connection between North America and Europe and could handle television, telephone, and fax transmissions. -
Intelsat II Series Begins
This satellite provided transpacific communications link for 240 telephone channels or two television channels. It could transmit 180 hours per year (30 minutes a day). -
Intelsat III Series Begins
Intelsat III series begins, providing global coverage. -
Anik A1 Launched
These satellites were launched by Telesat Canada for Canadian Television from 1972 all the way to 2013. These satellites gave CBC the ability to reach the Canadian North. This group of satellites were equipped with 12 C-band transponders (allowing for 12 television channels). C-Band was the name given to the the certain spectrum in which transmissions were sent (via microwaves) over long distances. -
Intelsat IV is Launched
These satellites could relay 6000 two-way telephone calls or 12 simultanoeous color television programs.
"The communications subsystem consisted of global receive and both global and spot beam transmit antennas connected to a microwave 12-channel repeater that provided high power amplification for each channel. Six antennas -- two global receive, two global transmit, and two spot beam transmit -- were provided." Intelsat IV - Gunter's Space Page -
Marisat I Launched
These satallites offered service in three different frequencies, Ultrahigh Frequency (240 to 400 MHz), L-Band (1.5 to 1.6 GHz), and C-Band (4 to 6 GHz). -
Palapa A1 Launched
Indonesia's first sattelite is launched. Palapa A1 had 12 transponders (transmitters that recieve, amplify, and transmit a signal in a specific frequency). This allowed the satellite a capacity of 6000 telephone connections or 12 color television channels. -
TDRS - 1 Satellite Launched
These were the first satellites to use the first full-time communications relay network. The first TDRS satellites operated in frequencies near 2150 MHz and near 14.3 GHz. -
Arabsat 1A Launched
Arabsat launch their first communications satellite. It carries two NATO E/F -band transponders and 25 NATO G/H -band transponders. -
Badr-1 Launched
Pakistan launches their first communications satellite. -
Turksat 1B Launched
Turkey launches their first communications satellite. It had 16 Ku -band transponders (12 -18 GHz), six wideband channels (72 MHz), and ten narrowband transponders (36 MHz). -
AO-40 Launched
AO-40 is launched. This is the first satellite to use GPS for navigation. It operated in 145.898 MHz. -
Iridium 1 Program Launched
A group of satellites are launched which provide voice and data coverage for the first satellite phone. -
SuitSat 1 Launched
First satellite launched to be carried by a decommisioned space suit. It was arussian brainstorm that operated in 145.990 MHz.