Kylie Case-History of Communication

  • Feb 4, 1446

    Johannes Gutenburg introduces moveable type printing press in Germany

    Johannes Gutenburg introduces moveable type printing press in Germany
  • Feb 4, 1468

    William Caxton produces a book in England with the first printed advertisement

    William Caxton produces a book in England with the first printed advertisement
  • Henry Mill received first patent for a typewriter

    Henry Mill received first patent for a typewriter
  • Ben Franklin prints money after calling for paper currency

    Ben Franklin prints money after calling for paper currency
  • First telegraph line set by Samuel Morse

    First telegraph line set by Samuel Morse
  • James Buchanan's inaguration, first photographed

    James Buchanan's inaguration, first photographed
  • Abraham Lincoln's assassination is reported by telegraph and print

    Abraham Lincoln's assassination is reported by telegraph and print
  • Alexander Bell invented telephone in Boston

    Alexander Bell invented telephone in Boston
  • Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio

    Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio
  • Walt Disney produces first full color movie

    Walt Disney produces first full color movie
  • Walt Disney produces the first animated feature

    Walt Disney produces the first animated feature
  • Community antenna television system,early cable

    Community antenna television system,early cable
  • Computer manufactured in the US

    Computer manufactured in the US
  • Audioccassettes are introduced

    Audioccassettes are introduced
  • Neil Armstrong's walk on the Moon is televised in color globally

    Neil Armstrong's walk on the Moon is televised in color globally
  • Email is developed

    Email is developed
  • Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, "founding fathers" of the internet

    Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, "founding fathers" of the internet
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen, co-founders of Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen, co-founders of Microsoft
  • Color television replaces black-and-white in American homes

    Color television replaces black-and-white in American homes
  • CD's are introduced

    CD's are introduced
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer is launched

    Microsoft Internet Explorer is launched
  • launches online shopping launches online shopping
  • Ipod and MP3 format compressed digital files debut

    Ipod and MP3 format compressed digital files debut
  • Satellite radio is launched

    Satellite radio is launched
  • 3D cellphones are introduced and available in stores

    3D cellphones are introduced and available in stores