
history of clothes

  • 5000 BCE

    MESOLYTIC PERIOD (10,000 to 5,000 BC

    MESOLYTIC PERIOD (10,000 to 5,000 BC
    During the glaciers, the man had to take refuge in the caverns, so he began to use new elements to make warm clothing that he was forced to wear, covering his entire body.
    With slivers of polished bone he created the needle to sew his garments and created the brooches made of bone.
    As a complement, hats, boots and leather shoes were used.
  • 3000 BCE

    PALEOLITHIC PERIOD (100,000 to 10,000 BC)

    PALEOLITHIC PERIOD (100,000 to 10,000 BC)
    The first clothes made of natural elements appear like skins, hair of animals, leaves, bones and shells.
    The man covered his body with skins like loincloths, which were fastened with strips of rawhide; It was adorned with necklaces made with the nails and the teeth of the animals that it hunted for its sustenance, as well as snails,
  • 2000 BCE

    The Clothes in the Middle East

    The Clothes in the Middle East
    The Clothes in the Middle East
    The peasants, the workers and the people of modest condition, used to go with a loincloth, and if they dressed, they wore only the shenti, worn by men of all social status for three millennia, which consisted of a kind of skirt that was rolled at the waist and was wrapped with a leather belt. During the New Kingdom, towards 1425 a. C., began to wear a light tunic, or sleeveless shirt, as well as a kind of pleated doublet among the well-off
  • 400 BCE

    Classical Age

    Classical Age
    In Greece the linen, the wool and the cotton, and later the silk -proveniente of East-, with garments of rectangular pieces bordered by the four sides, without seam or hem, accompanied by fibulas and belts. The oldest dress was the exomis, a rectangular cloth attached to the left shoulder, knotted under the right arm and cinched by a belt. The peasants wore tanned skins or thick wool dresses, with a leather cap called kyné.
  • 1200

    The Clothes in the Middle Ages

    The Clothes in the Middle Ages
    The Germanic peoples who ended the Roman Empire introduced the practice of sewing clothes, and wore woolen garments, usually a short long-sleeved tunic, long breeches or trousers -that Roman soldiers adopted after the conquest of Gaul- and a coat on the shoulders. In the Middle Ages the most used material was wool, being very appreciated the cloths of Friesland; the fine linen - called cainsil - was used for shirts and hose.
  • Nineteenth Century

    Nineteenth Century
    n the nineteenth century the clothing was practically that of "modern" man: the tailcoat was shortened and widened, taking the shape of the current jacket; the trousers were broad at the top and narrowed to the ankle, the stripe appearing in front and behind; the coat was replaced by straight cut coats. In the woman the waist was lowered to the waist, with wide sleeves and shoulder pads, and broad skirts of broad flight and trimmings
  • 50s female fashion

    50s female fashion
    -The gap and many dresses will be published without a hitch.
    -The body shape was voluptuous. Larger breasts were thought to be socially attractive.
    -The waist of warnings is maintained, but the hips fit better.
    -shoes with stiletto and wide hats were fundamental in the construction of this new appearance
  • 60s female fashion

    60s female fashion
    In the mid-60s, the beginning of the change was published.
    -Briders burners also appeared. They were groups that rebelled against the idea of ​​women as an object of desire.
    -With models like Twiggy dominating the scene, the look was "small". The curves were off and the echoes were flat, almost hidden.
  • 70s female fashion

    70s female fashion
    The best protagonists of this decade, with multicolored geometric designs, immense flowers.
  • 80s female fashion

    80s female fashion
    This decade was a time when women made corporate climbers who, ironically, were hidden under the lapels and big shoulder pads that tried to hide their shape.
    -The use of colors was varied, although white and black had their great moment. "Design perfectly until the woman for the job".
    - Also at this time it is used a lot in the rock style: leather jackets, jeans, worn converse shoes, tan
  • 90s female fashion

    90s female fashion
    In the 90s, the big bust was again popular thanks to some successful television shows like Baywach or inventions like the wondebra.
    -Fashion was not characterized by a specific style, but rather was defined as an impulse of people to mark their individuality through clothing. This would be added to the contribution of some musical trends.
    -The curves came back in a big way.
  • Women's fashion year 2000

    Women's fashion year 2000
    The new century brought us a more androgynous way, with models like Kate Moss leading the catwalks.
    -Designers are looking for more people for their creations.
    The body became flat, tiny and consumed. This figure was more prominent than ever.
  • Current clothing

    Current clothing
    Current clothing
    the factors that influence their way of dressing are magazines, social networks, musical artists and friends. In order to know which of these factors are more important, surveys were carried out with the students, with which it was known through statistical data that the friends are the ones who influence in a very remarkable way the dress of the young people who choose suggestions from the people They surround to choose their clothes