John Newbery
John Newbery opens a bookstore in Churchyard, London were he publishes and sell children's books. -
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll writes Alice Adventures in Wonderland and then Through the Looking Glass in 1871. These being written for pure entertainment value for chidren. -
Child Labor Laws
Child Labor laws free children to go to schooll increasing literacy. This helped to increase the flow of books published. -
US publishing house Macmillan launches a department devoted entirely to children's books. -
John Newberry Award
The John Newbery award was established and ingaurated in 1922 by the American Library Association. It is for distinguished contribution to American children's literature. -
May Massee
May Massed one of the 1st women editors, moves to open children's book department at Viking publishers. Other publishers began to follow. -
Growth in books
Form the 1940's-1960's children's books and young adult become more and more apart of schools, libraries and even in the home. -
Childrens Book Press
Harriet Rohmer establishes Children's book press devoted to the publication of bilingual picturebooks that reflected diversity of cultural experiences. -
Michael L. Printz award
Michael L. Printz awrd is established for literary excellance for young adult literature. It also demonstrates the rise of adolescent literature.