History of Children's Literature

By Ricky27
  • The early years

    Before books, Children were only given chapbooks and hornbooks which were only the alphabet or bible verses.
  • Period: to

    Freedom and bigger needs

    Books were made for pleasure (no lessons) and were then transcribed into different languages so they can be shared across the world. In 1907, children were now able to go to school which meant that there was a bigger necessity for books and the age difference in kids or how much they knew already.
  • The Twentieth Century

    In 1922 and 1923, two women, Helen Dean Fish and May Massee, became the first children’s books editors. This led to more and more people publishing books.
  • Period: to

    Last half of the twentieth century

    Moving out of pleasure, books started to capture history and culture outside of their domain. This also included bilingual picture books. In 1994, Bishop found that only 3 to 4 percent of the children’s books published in 1990, 1991, and 1992 related to people of color. Books also failed to show nontraditional roles in men and mostly women.
  • 21st century

    In 1993, Virginia Hamilton (1993) called “parallel cultures,” which means we had not seen books about people of color. People came together to create a demand that starred people of color.
  • 2013

    A study was formed to see how many books represented minorities. A third was found to represent them, but most of the books were stereotypical. These books also did not highlight the racial struggle that these people faced. "Hare (2013) makes the point that just because a character looks like the reader, it doesn’t mean that a particular book is telling a particular reader’s story."