history of childhood education

  • John Amos Comenius

    John Amos Comenius was born on March 15, 1592. He was an educational reformer and religious leader. He is remembered for his innovations in methods of teaching and languages. He is considered the father of modern education. He influenced modern education by separating children's education into sciences and languages. He died on November 14, 1670.
  • John Locke

    John Locke developed the theory called the Blank slate. He believes that children learn from experience and understanding through reasoning.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau taught parents new ways to teach their children. He also believed in book learning. Lastly, he believed that children's emotions should also be studied
  • Johann Henrich Pestalozzi

    Johann Henrich Pestalozzi helped educate the poor and helped emphasized teaching methods designed to help students learn better. He believed that children learn better with hands-on learning.
  • Social Reform

    Social reform is about addressing and changing the policies and practices of schools that advantage white, middle-class, and native English speakers over native people or people's English is their second English.
  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten was invented to help children who are ready to start school also learn about socializing with other peers. Children need to learn how to socialize with one another to be able to grow and learn how to communicate more.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel

    Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel created the concept of kindergarten. Kindergarten means the children's garden. Be wanted children to have a place where they can be cherished.
  • Robert Owen

    In 1816 Robert Owen opened the first infant school in the United States. Owen opened up the school to help his employee's lives and help them educate their children.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori was an educator, physician, and innovator. Her Method of teaching is based on self-directed activities and hands-on learning. Maria Montessori opened up the first Montessori school which is a school that involves children's natural interests and activities rather than formal teaching.
  • Rudolf Steiner

    In 1919 a school was opened by Rudolf Steiner. Rudolf Steiner believed that children should be given individualized time. He wants children to learn and to also have fun.
  • A. S Neill

    A. S Neill founded a school and supported free self-development in the education of children. He believes that teachers should leave children alone to develop naturally.
  • Nursery Schools

    Nursery schools were invented to help improve the physical and mental condition of children living in poor areas. It's important because it provides a safe environment for children to feel safe.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik is to help children pursue science and engineering education. This helped improve the education of science and to get more students involved.
  • High Scope

    High Scope was invented to focus on making a high-quality preschool program to help children develop over time. High scope benefits adults and gives them tools to help their child develop a good relationship with other adults and peers.
  • DAP

    DAP means Developmentally Appropriate Practice. DAP is for children to learn the best when they are actively engaged in their learning. It helps children progress in their growth of learning.
  • Head Start

    The Head Start was created in 1965. It's a summer program that provides children to children with low-income families. This helps the children meet all their needs for example there emotional and social needs.
  • Media and technology

    Media and technology are the advancements in schools. It lets students use brain development and neuroscience because overtime it became very involved.
  • Standards

    Standards show schools what students should know and should be able to do in each subject. It helps the school and the teachers know what their students need help with and what their students are good at.
  • No Child Left Behind

    The No Child Left Behind is a law in the United States. It is a law for K-12 general education to make sure schools are accountable for how kids learn