
History of Chemistry

By LilehG
  • 1700 BCE

    King Hammurabi's reign over babylon

    King Hammurabi's reign over babylon
    Known metals were recorded and listed in conjunction with heavenly bodies
  • 430 BCE

    Democritus of ancient Greece

    Democritus of ancient Greece
    Democritus proclaimes the atom to be the simplest unit if matter was composed of atoms
  • 300 BCE

    Aristotle of ancient Greece

    Aristotle of ancient Greece
    Aristotle declates the existence of only for elements; fire, air, water, and earth. All matter is made up of these four elements and had four properties hot, cold, dry, and wet.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 300

    The advent of the alchemist

    Influenced greatly by Aristotle's ideas, alchemists attempted to transmute cheap metals to gold. The substances used for this conversion was called the philosopher
  • Period: 1200 to 1400

    Failure of the gold buisness

    Although Pope John XXII issues an edict against gold making, the gold business continued despite the alchemists effort, transmutation of cheap metals to gold never happened.
  • 1520

    Death of Alchemy

    Death of Alchemy
    This disprover of Aristotle's four elements theory and the publishing of the book. The skeptical chemist (By Robert Boyle) combined to destroy this early form of chemistry.
  • Phlogiston Theory

    Phlogiston Theory
    Johnann H. Beecher believed in a substance called phlogiston. When a substance is burned, phlogiston was supposedly added from the air to the flame of the burning object.
  • Coulomb's Law

    Coulomb's Law
    Charles Coulomb discovered that given two particles separated by a certain distance, the force of attraction or repulsion is directly proportional to the produce of the two charged and is inversely proportional to the distance between the two charges.
  • Period: to

    Disproving of the Phlogiston Theory

    Joseph priestly heated call of mercury, collected the colorless gas. Priestley called the gas "dephlogistival air" but it was actually oxygen. Atoine Lavasirr who disproved the theory renamed it oxygen.
  • Dalton's Atomic Theory

    Dalton's Atomic Theory
    John Dalton publishes his atomic theory which states that all matter is composted of atoms, which are small and invisible.
  • Vacuum Tube

    Henrich Geissler creates the first vacuum tube.
  • Cathode Rays

    Cathode Rays
    William Crooks made headway in atomic theory when he used a vacuum tube to discover cathode rays. Crooked created a glass vacuum tube which had zinc sulfide coating in the inside of one end, a metal cathode imbedded the other end and a metal anode in the shape of a cross in the middle of the tube. When electricity ran through the apparatus, an image of the cross appeared.
  • The Proton

    The Proton
    Eugene Goldstein discovered positive particles by using a tube. The positive particle had a charge equal and opposite of the 1.66E-24grams or one atomic mass unit.
  • X-RAYS

    Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered x-rays while researching the glow produced by cathrode rays. He performed his research on cathrode rays,m, within a dark room and during research. Noticing a bottle of barium platinocyanide was glowing on the shelf.