History Of Cars

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    The First Cars

    In 1808 Francois Issac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrgen.
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    May 14th 1886

    The first motor car was invented
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    June 4th 1895

    The first pneumatic car tire
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    July 19th 1903

    Fords motor company opens
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    June 4th 1910

    First Four wheel brakes
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    May 30th 1912

    The first electric traffic light was invented
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    June 4th 1916

    First windscreen wipers
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    June 4th 1938

    VW Beetle starts production
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    June 4th 1959

    BMC mini starts production
  • History Of Cars

    timeline of cars
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    January 1rst 2017

    Tessla invents electric car