
History Of Cars

By cng6431
  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    German engine designer Karl Benz builds the first automobile with a gasoline engine. Looks similar to a carriage.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Henry Ford builds his first automobile
  • Frank and Charles Edgar Duryea

    Frank and Charles Edgar Duryea
    These brothers create the first four wheeled gas powered car in the United States.
  • The Duryea brothers

    The Duryea brothers
    The first car manufacturing business is made and its called motor wagons.
  • The Steering Wheel

    The Steering Wheel
    The first steering wheel is made to replace the steering tiller.
  • The First Speed Limit

    The First Speed Limit
    Alabama is the first state to put a set speed which is 8MPH (super slow!)
  • Upgrade In Car Production

    Upgrade In Car Production
    Ford's Model T makes car a lot faster after the utilization of the assembly line.
  • The Radio

    The Radio
    The car radio is considered and tried to be built.
  • The Jeep

    The Jeep
    The first Jeep is made where it is used in the military and WW2
  • Highways

    The Interstate Highway Act is created to connect the U.S.A with highways and interstates for fast travel across the country.
  • The Seatbelt

    The Seatbelt
    Wisconsin is the first state requiring all cars to have a seatbelt. Sad thing is you don't have to use it.
  • Airbags

    Airbags are invented and are a new safety option for cars. They have saved 8,369 lives from 1974 to 2001
  • Seat Belts Part Two

    Seat Belts Part Two
    New York becomes the first state to make a law making people use seat belts for safety.
  • GPS

    The GPS is introduced for cars so people can track where they have been and where they are going.
  • Gas Prices

    Gas Prices
    Since global warming has started to come in effect, gas prices started to rise like crazy and the production of electric cars where considered.
  • Change In Cars

    Change In Cars
    Manufactures start to abandon older SUV's for more fuel efficient cars due to people being concerned about global warming. Cars like the Prius and Leaf are considered.