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History of cars

  • The Detroit Automobile Factory

    The Detroit Automobile Factory
    This was the first automobile factory of all time.
  • Ford’s Model T hits the scene

     Ford’s Model T hits the scene
    This was the first ever Model T to come out.
  • The electric starter

    The electric starter
    You use it to put it under the hood so you can start it instead of having to pull a cord to start it.
  • Automobile assembly line

    Automobile assembly line
    This was a reason which made Henry Ford able to crank out thousands of cars per year.
  • Material of construction

    Material of construction
    In this period of time, they switched cars from wood outsides to steal.
  • Automatic transmission

    Automatic transmission
    This allowed vehicles to switch gears while in motion
  • Air conditioning

    Air conditioning
    The Packard was the first car to have this function. Now in our modern time 99% of new cars have air conditioning.
  • Electronic fuel injection

    Electronic fuel injection
    This meant better fuel delivery to the car’s engine. They did this so they didn’t have to pump your accelerator or have to pull your choke nob.
  • Seat Belts

    Seat Belts
    When you were in the fronts seats you would need a chest of lap belts, and when you were in the back seat you would need to have a waste belt.
  • Airbags

    People started to use air bags to protect themselves when the crash happened. They eventually improved this invention by the 1990’s.
  • Hybrids

    People used hybrid technology, so people were less dependent on gas.
  • Smart Technology, and Smart Cars

    Smart Technology, and Smart Cars
    This technology has evolved over the years. It started from hand cranked starts to artificial intelligence. This technology has evolved and has gotten better over the years.