History of Canada

  • Period: to

    The 7 Year War

    A war between Britain and France, both wanting land on the Atlantic coast. Britain (led by General James Wolfe) defeated France (General Montcalm) in the plains of Abraham.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    This treaty stated that Britain would occupy the area around the great lakes, the French could keep two small islandsSouth of Labrador and that there would be a First Nations reserve South of lake Michigan. The Spanish also occupied the U.S.
  • The Royal Proclomation

    The Royal Proclomation
    This proclomation forced the French to follow the English laws, customs and religion.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act gave the French the ability to keep their culture, instead on changing it to the British ways.
  • Loyalist Migration

    During the American revolution, Patriots and Loyalits didn't get along well so most loyalists in America migrated to Canada. The First Nation Loyalists settled in the north in the 6 nations reserve. They were led by Joseph Brant.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This ended the American revolution by Britain surrenduring the lands south of the Great Lakes (the thirteen colonies).
  • Period: to

    Fur Trade Boom

    The fur trade has started booming in buisness. The Hudson Bay Co. is the biggest company of them all, but the furtraders not in the HBC join together to form the North West Co. in Montreal. This leads to competition and a lot of expanding into the west. The conflict involved the Metis & the Red River settlement. In 1821 the HBC and NWC joined together.
  • Two New Colonies

    Two New Colonies
    Nova Scotia and the Atlantic held a large quantityof loyalits. They wanted to become colonies, because a colony has a say in how things are run and a small personal government. So, the British government created the New Brunswick and Cape Breton Island colonies.
  • Trouble in Canada

    The French in quebec and the English speakers who moved there from America don't get along to well and they argue.
  • Constitutional Act

    Canada was split into Upper and Lower Canada. Both now have their own reprezentative vote.
  • Arival

    The first of Lord Slekirk's Scottish settlers arrive in York factory. The move down to the Red River Valley to settle but face a hard winter.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

    A war between the U.S. and Canada. Most of the battles were fought in Canada and there was no clear winner. Sir Isac Brock drove back the Americans with his army, along with 600 natives in the battle of queenston heights.
  • A Second Arrival

    A Second Arrival
    The second group of Lord Selkirk's settlers arrives in York Factory and endure the same hardships as the first.
  • The Pemmican Proclamation

    Lord Selkirk's settlers didn't have much food so the Pemmican Proclamation was passed, to ensure that no food was taken from Red River Valley. This made the Metis who lived in the area angry, because they made most of their profit off selling pemmican.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    Many people migrated into Canada during this time, mostly the Irish (From the Potato Famine) and former American slaves (From the Underground railroad and the American Civil War).
  • The battle of the seven Oaks

    The Metis, angry with the Pemmican Proclamation drove out the settlers. Later, they met with the governor at Seven Oaks, and battle raged. The Metis won.
  • The Lachine Canal

    The Lachine Canal
    The Lachine Canal was built the rapids in the St. Lawrence.
  • The Welland Canal

    The Welland Canal
    The Welland Canal was built to bybass Niagra Falls.
  • Canadian Revolution

    Canadian Revolution
    The government didn't want Canada to have a resposible government and it was loyal to Britain and the Monarchy. Also, privlages and land were given to family and friends (Oligarchy) because Britain thought Canada would revolt if too much freedom was given. This caused discontent so William Lyon Mackenzie, Joseph Howe and Papinau started a revolution.
  • A special trading agreement

    A special trading agreement
    B.N.A. had a special trading agreement with Britain. It was that lower tariffs were charged on trading between countries.
  • Period: to

    Gaining a Responsible Government

    Four Atlantic colonies gain a responsible government.
  • The Act of Union

    Upper and Lower Canada became one Province. This led to them working together to build railways, expand industry and increase growth in farming.
  • A loan Given

    A loan Given
    A loan was given to canal building companies to build canals, part of the money went to paying the workers, mostly Chinese Navvies.
  • Repeal of the Corn Laws

    Britain stopped importing cheap wheat from B.N.A. so many couldn't make enough money because of this. Many people abandoned farms and sawmills and moved to America.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Lord Elgin

    Lord Elgin is the Governor General.
  • Responsible Government part 1

    Nova Scotia gained a resposible government.
  • Bankrupcy?

    Lord Elgin discovered that about three quaters of Montreal merchants were close to bankrupcy, so many were nervous and considered moving to the US.
  • Resposible Government Part 2

    Upper and Lower Canada were both granted a responsible government due to continued conflict.
  • Rebellion Losses Bill

    People wanted repayment for their losases from the rebelliion, so this bill was created, but some people didn't want repayment to the rebels. This bill also angered many people like the Conservatives.
  • Burning of the Parliment

    Because of a majority vote, Lord Elgin was forced to sign the Rebellion Losses Bill. People complained and a mob formed. They burned down the Parliment buildings.
  • Political Deadlock

    Political Deadlock
    The government bacame ineffective because both parties had the exact same number of seatsand disagreed. Some wanted the number of representitives to be based on the number of voters. Also reformers wanted to end political control of land granting by officials. In PEI settlers wanted their own farms, not rented ones.
  • Free Trade

    Since factory owners put pressure on Britain to have complete free trade with everyone so they could get a larger varaity of products cheaper, Britain did so.
  • BOOM goes the railways

    BOOM goes the railways
    The railway building buisness boomed and many railroads were/ started to be built in this time.
  • St. Lawrence to Atlantic

    St. Lawrence to Atlantic
    The first long railway was built between the St. Lawrence and the Atlantic railroad.
  • Trade between B.N.A. and U.S..

    Lord Elgin created the Reciprocity Treaty, which stated that the tariffs on trade between the two countries would be lower and some products would have no tariffs at all. This led to an increase in trade and economic sability.
  • A New Capitol

    Since the burning of the parliment the capitol switched between Toronto and Quebec, changing with the power. But now, the capitol is set in Ottawa, right between Upper and Lower Canada and a very strategic position.
  • The Fraser River Gold Rush

    In BC, gold was discovered at Fraser River, and this started a gold rush. It was the main reason for people to settle in BC and was one of the reasons it was colonized so early.
  • Period: to

    Expansion of the West: the praries

    (the dates are estimated) The canadians wanted to expand into the praries because: it had better farmland, had more room, and they were worried about America expanding into their land.
  • Period: to

    Expansion of the West: the railroad

    (the dates are estimated) The Canadians wanted a trans-continental railway because: It gave jobs, could transport people, troops and goods, people could settle around it, it would be a symbol of uninon and it would show the U.S. that the praries were Canadian.
  • The Charletown Confrence

    eight Canada East and West representatives and 14 Maritime representatives gathered in Charlettown to discuss the idea of confederation. It was mostly a party, but the Maritimes decided Confederation was a good idea so they met again later to discuss it more.
  • The Quebec Confrence

    The Maritime and Canada East and West representatives, along with some from Newfoundland and Labrador and BC met again in Quebec to iron out the details of Confederation. At the end only Canada East & West, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick decided to join and created the 72 resolutions, a rough draft of the BNA act.
  • Abourigional views vs. Canadian

    (random date)The Natives/Metis and Canadians were very different, because they: ate different food, divided the land differet (squares vs thin rectangles), hunted differently (sustainable vs. for sport), had different religions and thought differently about nature.
  • BC joins in

    BC joins in on Confederation after making a deal with Canada to build a railway between them in ten years. To help build the railway, MacDonald offered financial help and free land to the company that built the railway, but he had one demand: it had to be built on Canadian soil.
  • A treaty between the Natives and Europeans

    In this treaty the Abouriginals agreed to give up land on certain conditions: they would get reserves, be able to use their customs there, obtain payments for the giving of the land, help with farming and an education system.
  • Dominion Lands Act: The deal

    This act offered 65 acres of land in the praries to any settlers. There were some conditions though: You had to pay a $10 registration fee (which you would get back after 3 years), work the land for 3 years, you couldn't settle in Canada East or West, had to be under 40 (and your family), and they generally took workers, farmers and especially women.
  • The Dominion Act: problems

    The problems with farming the praries were: It was really cold, there were few trees and livestock, the land was only good for farming, the land was far away from cities/towns and you had to stay for at least 3 years to get the land. Because of this, many died.
  • The Dominion Act: Cliffton Sifton

    Clifton Sifton was the federal minister of immigration, and was responsible for attracting settlers. He was one of the first false advertisers, because he sent beutiful men and women to Europe to hand out brochures and show posters. This would give people the impression that Canada was full of these people, so many came. He targeted the Italians, Spanish, Greek, Portugese, Germans, Polish, Norweigan and Russian. Also, all religions were respected.
  • Borrowing money

    MacDonald borrowed $360 000 (now 7 million) from Sir Hugh Allan to pay for his campaign. Allan owned one of the companies wanting to build the railway, and when the Conservatives won the election, word leaked out and it was seen as a bribe.
  • Mounties: Use

    The Mountie's jobs were to keep peace within the praries, look over the construction of the CPR, stop the invading Americans and to stop the illegal whiskey trade.
  • Mounties: Sam Steele

    Sam Steele was an honest, hardworking Mountie who careed a lot for the Natives. He allied with them and helped create fair treaties with them. His main jobs were to take the new settlers to their lands, defend them and to look over the CPR.
  • Mounties: Jerry Pots

    Jerry Pots was a tough, mean man who worked for the mounties. His job was as a traker, guide and translator, and was respectied in all cutlures. One of his greatest successes was when he led the mounties to a big illegal whiskey trading fort.
  • Mounties: Creation

    In the Prearies, the was no law enforcement, and on July 1st there was a huge battle called the Cypress Hill Massacre. After this battle, it was decided that a polic force was needed, so the mounties were created.
  • A 7th Province

    PEI finally joins confederation, having made a deal with MacDonald. Canada would take over PEI's debt and they would join Confederation.
  • Liberals in power

    Because of the scandal, MacDonald resigned and in 1874 the Liberals came to power. Alexander Mackenzie was the Prime Minister and started two important things. First, the secret ballot and second that you had to document the money you spent on your campain so MacDonal's mistake would not happen again.
  • Natives pushed out

    (random date) Because of the expansion West, all the Native groups were being pushed together. Some of the groups were enemies and a great war occured, killing hundreds. In the aftermath, many died of smallpox.
  • The Indian Act

    Gave full-blooded Indians some rights, like getting a certain amount of money a year and an education system in turn for some of their land. They became wards of the state so had no right to drink or vote. Also, if they married non-indians or left the reserver (permantly) they lost their status. Also, timber could be taken from the reserves without paying the natives.
  • National Policy part 1

    MacDonald won the election again because he proposed his new national policy. It wanted the construction of the CPR to start again since under Mackenzie it had stopped. To make money, tariffs were raised on exporring, but raw matirial was cheaper. Other than the CPR, MacDOnald also wanted the settlement of the west.
  • National Policy part 2

    Some were against the National Policy, especially the Maritimes because they thought it favoured Ontario and Quebec, be too expensive and goods from other co. would be too expensive.
  • Period: to

    the CPR

    The Bank of Montreal won the right to build the railway, and the CPR was formed. The president was Donald A. Smith and general manager (starting in 1882) was William Van Horne, who later (1888) became president. Horne had some great ideas and to get enough, chep labourors he imported Chinese from China and California. In 1885 Donald Smith drove the last spike.
  • Another Rebellion

    Louis Riel returns to Canada to help the Metis. They had attempted a petition, but it didn't work. The Metis captured a protestant church, put up another provisional government. this time they are supported by Big Bear and Crowfoot, who are concerned about the settlers taking their land.
  • WAR!

    War occurs between the Metis and Canada, the Metis lead by Gabrielle Dumont. Canada still wins the battle.
  • The death of Louis Riel

    Louis Riel was arrested tried and hung, even though Queen Victoria pleaded to have him imprisoned.
  • An Uproar

    Louis Riel's death caused a giant uproar. Parliment buildings were burnt and settlers killed. British troops came in and stopped the battles, and Big Bear and Crowfoot were killed in the process. MacDonald publicized pictures of Louis Riel hanging to prevent further rebellion, and it worked.