History of Cameras

By ezoraf
  • Daguerreotype

  • First American patent

    First American patent
    Issued in photography to Alexander Wolcott's camera
  • Panoramic Camera

    Panoramic Camera
    Thomas Sutton patented the first panoramic camera
  • Stereoscope

    Stereoscope invented by Oliver Wendall Holmes
  • Kodak roll-film Camera

    Kodak roll-film Camera
    Patents Kodak roll-film camera by george Eastman
  • Reise Camera

    Reise Camera
    A travel camera that was extremely light and small, grteat for landscape photographers
  • 35mm Camera

    35mm Camera
    First 35mm still camera became standard for all film camera's
  • First Polaroid

    First Polaroid
    Created by Edwin Land
  • Konica C35

    Konica C35
    First point and shoot autofocus camera named Jasupin
  • Sony Mavica

    Sony Mavica
    First digital electronic still camera.
  • Canon Eos 5D

    Canon Eos 5D
    First consumer priced DSLR