History of Cambodia

  • Cambodia's Independence

    Cambodia becomes free from France.
  • First Election in Cambodia

    Cambodia held it's very first election in Cambodia in 1955.
  • King Sihanouk Gave Up Rule

    King Sihanouk gave his rule in favor of his father.
  • Cambodia Granted Membership of United Nations

    Cambodia granted membership of the United Nations.
  • Sihanouk's Father Died

    Sihanouk's father died leaving Sihanouk in charge.
  • Cambodia Cut Ties With South Vietnam

    Cambodia gave up ties with South Vietnam.
  • Cambodia Received Aid From China

    Cambodia received help from communist China.
  • Cambodia Received Aid From China

    Cambodia received help from communist China.
  • Communists Look for Sanctuary in Eastern Cambodia

    Communists look for safety and sanctuary in Eastern Cambodia.
  • Communist's Begin Civil War in Cambodia

    Communist's fight civil war within Cambodia's borders.
  • United States Invade Cambodia

    President Richard Nixon crossed the border with into Cambodia.
  • Paris Peace Accords Signed

    The Paris Peace Accords are signed.
  • Start of Rule for Khmer Rouge

    This is when Khmer Rouge's rule over Cambodia began.
  • Communism Ends in Cambodia

    All communism ends in Cambodia.
  • Period: to

    Sihanouk Ruling Cambodia

    Sihanouk ruled Cambodia for 4 years.
  • Vietnam Invades Cambodia

    Vietnam invades Cambodia.
  • Cambodia Attacks Vietnam

    Cambodia launches a ​very bloody attack on Vietnam.
  • Vietnamese Forces Withdraw From Cambodia

    Vietnam pulls troops back from Cambodia.
  • Pol Pot Dies

    Pol Pot the political leader dies in 1998.
  • Population of Cambodia was 14 Million

    The population of Cambodia reached the point of 14 million people.
  • Sources

    History.com / BBC.com / Localhistories.org