1580 BCE
Education in the Tiwanacu empire period.
Education in the Tiwanacu empire period.
1580 BC.
It was an educational system based on the values of solidarity and cooperation.
Was given from parents to children teaching boys labors, like agriculture and cattle raising, while girls were more prepared for dress making and handicrafts. -
1000 BCE
Education in the Aymara empire.
Families and communities were in charge of education, where territory location was very important also spiritual things were relevant.
The unity of social organization was the Ayllu, and the Ulaca was the meeting of different ayllus.
Education was centered on how to solve problems and necessities of everyday life. Children used to be introduced in social situations from a very early age. -
Inca empire education.
Inca empire absorbed the remaining part of the Aymara sistema and established a social organization with a collective type so we can compare this way of organization as socialism of state, so male children are prepared for war, construction, cattle raising and crop growing While girls used to make dresses, do broidery and domestic activities.
They had three principles that were Ama sua, don’t be a burglar, Ama lulla, don’t be a liar and Ama Kella don’t be a lazy one. -
Education in the colonial era.
Education was only for privileged social classes so indigenous and poor people couldn’t get that service
The first schools were founded in La Paz and Sucre in 1571.
Colonial education was based on shape student s behavior so good manners were important to obey authorities and be able to face everyday situations and necessities.
Religious missionaries between Jesuit and Franciscan were in charge of education during this period. -
Education in the Republican era
Bolivia becomes independent and Simon Bolivar trusts Simon Rodriguez as general director of public teaching,so on Jan. 9th ,1827 the first educational law states that education is the first State responsibility and it was instructed to build high schools and Schools of Arts in every capital city in Bolivia. -
First Normal School founded.
On June 6th 1909 the first normal school is founded and its first principal was Georges Rouma who was a doctor in pedagogy and was hired by the government to design the first educational model in Bolivia based on a pragmatic, active and integrated education. It was designed under European models of Education. -
National Pedagogy
Bolivian scientist, Franz Tamayo wrote a book called “Creación de la pedagogía nacional”, here, he said that our education must be based on our own culture, customs in harmony with physical and moral conditions so for him it was necessary to form a new national character so this was the first attempt to include indigenous people in the educational force. -
The first Indigenous Normal School is created.
Avelino Siñani and Elizardo Pérez founded the first indigenous Normal at Warizata in an aymara community, the school according to this project, must be productive and cooperative to learn and work at the same time using bilingual education that means in Spanish and in native language. -
The National Revolution of 1952.
Agricultural and educational reforms were passed in April 1952 but it was in 1955 when the first Educational Code was introduced in agreement with worker s sindicates, the Catholic Church, private schools, University and social organizations and it tried to give unity in Bolivian education, and again it tried to include indigenous population. But the problem was that education was divided into urban and rural education which provoked more division between bolivians. -
Educational Reform of 1994. (1565 law)
Former President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada tried to retake the principles of that 1995 legislation for education. It intended to recover our national identity taking into account the multiple multicultural and multilingual Bolivian character and for the first time trying to include women into the process of Education. -
070 educational law
In 2010 the latest education law is passed by Evo Morales' administration under the principles of the Aymara organization based on the Warisata experience, applying native language in the teaching process and also following the principles of active and cooperative school by learning and working at the same time, so that we can create a national original character and its main purpose is “el vivir bien” in a productive society with anti colonialist and antiimperialist political direction.