First people in Australia
about 30 000 years ago abronigines first migrated here -
Jan 1, 1500
when the europeans first came they were hit by foreign diseases,they had no immune system which took out 50% of the abroniginal population. -
Jan 1, 1500
they have Mythology like for example dreamtime legends. one like how the sun was made -
They approximately spoken threehundred lanuages -
Aboriginiee poverty
In 1850 thier was a big concern that was felt and laws were passed to protect aboriginiees from poverty and stravation. -
In the 1869 upto 1970's the governent made a policy also called "The Stolen Generation". The fedraland state governent's also with many other church agenices,were responsible for taking away the children away from thier families and senting them away to school to be a modern,white austerailians.they said they were protecting them froma wipe out from smallpox. -
rural and urban
In late 1880most of thier aborigines joined the white rural and urban comminuties .The aboriginals people started to migrate more they became more exposed to dieases. -
the traditional Aboriginal religions are revolved around the dreamtime -
The area became the nation of Australlia in 1901,itwas basically ruled by the democratic party,the Aborigines couldn,t vote because they weren,t classifield as Austrailians. -
The last mass-killing of the aborigines was in 1926 after amçn Eoropean-Australian was repoted killed by a aborigine, so the local-policemen collected a gang of people so they can liithe local tribe.the mor senior authorities were embress by that, so they put steps to prevent it. -
In 1967 after the fedral goverment voted on a topic ,so aborigines became citizens and could vote with the state and fedral elections. -
they spoke out for their equal rights -
larger land
In the 1970's land rights were begining to be granted and after the mabo decision in 1990's saw more larger areas of land began to come back to the them afer decedents of aborigines history that have been inhabitants.