Captain Cook raises Union Jack at Possession Island
Captain Arthur Philip raises Union Jack in Sydney Cove
26th begins to be celebrated as "First Landing Day"
Governor Mcquarie makes this day an official public holiday.
Jubilee of British occupation of NSW
Australian Natives Association forms
Representatives from all states congregated for Centenary
Australian Commonwealth formed by federated states.
ACT Formed
Canberra named
Canberra parliament house opens
Australian Natives Association campaign to make Australia Day a long weekend
Nationwide Australia day long weekend
Australia Day Council formed
Nationality and Citizenship Act passes
Australian flag designated
First Australian of the Year, Sir Macfarlane Burnet
Advance Australia Fair replaces God Save the Queen as National Anthem
Tent Embassy formed in protest of the now nicknamed "Invasion Day"
Australia day officially celebrated Jan 26th
Centenary of foundation
Australia Day Awards presentation