
History of Australia by eben

  • Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon discovers Australia

    Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon discovers Australia
  • Discovering of Western Coast

    Discovering of Western Coast
    English explorer William Dampier explores the western coast of Australia.
  • Australia is claimed for Great Britain

    Australia is claimed for Great Britain
    Captain James Cook lands at Botany Bay with his ship, the HMS Endeavour. He then proceeds to map the eastern coast of Australia, claiming it for Great Britain.
  • Brittish Settlement

    The first British settlement is established at Sydney by Captain Arthur Phillip. It is the start of the British penal colony which is made up of mostly prisoners.
  • Australia is proven to be an island

    Australia is proven to be an island when English navigator Matthew Flinders completes his sail around the island.
  • Rum Rebellion

    The Rum Rebellion occurs and the current governor, William Bligh, is arrested and removed from office.
  • Change of Name

    The name of the island is changed from "New Holland" to "Australia."
  • Perth

    The settlement of Perth is founded on the southwest coast. England lays claim to the entire continent of Australia.